IPPW 2022
A PDF of the program is available here.
Program Organizing Chairs
Gilles Bailet, Manuel Dominguez, Jacob Izraelevitz, and Alena Probst
Contact us at: poc.ippw@gmail.com
Key Dates
Instructions for Oral and Poster Presenters
Abstracts: Click Here to submit Abstracts. Submissions are due June 10, 2022.
​Each submission allows for only one abstract (and scholarship application) submission. Authors wishing to submit multiple abstracts have to create multiple submission accounts. Please do not submit duplicates of the same abstract.
Abstracts: Click here to download the IPPW 2022 Abstract Template.
Full Program
Please click here for a link to the full IPPW program.
A renaissance in Venus exploration is underway with the DAVINCI in-situ probe mission selected for the NASA Discovery program and two orbital missions – NASA’s VERITAS and ESA’s EnVision - also approved in 2021. The subsequent steps in Venus exploration may include aerial platforms, short duration landers, and long-lived lander concepts for which technologies are still under development. Our dedicated Venus IPPW session invites submissions on both scientific platform technologies and the experiments that will be conducted from them. Of particular interest are innovative techniques for exploring Venus that employ methods for coping with and/or exploiting its severe environment. Papers that address the differing challenges of exploring the cloud habitability layer with its sulfuric acid clouds and the Venus surface bathed in hot supercritical CO2 will be of particular interest.
This session will focus on recent, current, and proposed missions to Mars. Topics may include missions, science, technology, and systems dealing with the in-situ exploration of Mars, such as landers, aerobraking, or entry probes. Contributions to this session can address aspects such as (but not limited to) atmospheric science and environment characterization, robotic and human EDL, and sample return.
Airless Bodies
This session focuses on the exploration of airless bodies such as Mercury, Earth’s moon, other airless planetary satellites, and small solar system bodies characterized by weak gravitational fields such as asteroids and comets. Contributions could include science goals/drivers, mission concepts, descent technologies in development, and architectures for landers/rovers, along with instrumentation to accomplish science goals. Papers on operational strategies, payload capabilities and results of current projects, as well as lessons learned from previous missions, are also welcomed.
Sample Return to Earth
This session will address concepts and projects that have a Sample Return (SR) to Earth element. The session welcomes content on SR mission science objectives as well as engineering aspects of SR entry, descent, and landing. Also welcome are submissions on sample characterization and acquisition systems, landing site characterization, and design implications of restricted vs unrestricted return on SR capsule design.
Water Worlds and Gas Giants
This session is focused on the study of Ocean Worlds, as well as the exploration of the Gas Giants. Abstracts relating to the exploration of all aspects of Europa, Enceladus, Titan, Jupiter, and Saturn are in the focus of the session. The session will cover related science and science drivers, mission concepts, instrumentation, vehicle environments and robotics, ocean access methods, field testing, and EDL technologies specific for these planets. Current and future missions/proposals, including impact of lessons learned from previous missions on current efforts, are also in the focus of the session.
Ice Giants
The exploration of the planetary systems of Neptune and Uranus has recently become a timely milestone to be pursued in an international context as assessed by the NASA and ESA joint studies on the theme in the last decade. NASA and ESA are continuing to explore the potential for an international mission to the Ice Giants in the context of the US Planetary Decadal Survey and the ESA Voyager2050. The session will focus on Neptune and Uranus addressing science drivers, concepts of missions, entry descent and landing systems, cross-cutting technologies, instrumentation and investigations relevant to future in situ exploration of the Ice Giant planetary systems.
Modeling, Simulation, Testing and Validation
This session will focus on advancements in modeling and simulation of planetary probe systems during entry, descent, and landing (EDL) mission phases, including: flight dynamics; computational fluid dynamics (CFD); guidance, navigation, and control (GNC); materials and thermal protection systems (TPS); decelerator systems; integrated/optimized capabilities; and related disciplines. Current work in testing and demonstration techniques, model validation, and diagnostics are also a major component of this session. Work that advances the state-of-the-art of scientific theories, capabilities, or technologies, or compares/leverages both testing and computational models including data-driven modeling, is especially relevant. Preference is given to discussion of models, simulations, ground testing, flight tests, and validation applied directly to specific EDL missions and proposals, rather than general model development.
Science Instrumentation, Experiments, and In-Situ Measurements
Science instruments are a key component of planetary exploration missions. Scientific experiments in space exploration typically involve the development of instrument concepts and ideas through experiments and field campaigns. This session invites abstracts discussing instrument concepts, hardware, and field experiments aimed at demonstrating and developing scientific investigations for planetary exploration. Abstracts may include topics such as innovative concepts for previously infeasible measurements or report on progress made in developing instrumentation hardware or measurement techniques through experiments. Priority will be given to experiments or instrumentation geared towards in-situ measurements such as landers, probes, or aerial platforms.
Aerocapture, Entry, Descent and Landing (AEDL) Technologies
Science instruments and the underlying entry system technologies work together to make planetary exploration missions succeed. Our goal as technologists is to enable challenging science and exploration missions to be accomplished in a reliable, cost-effective way. This session invites abstracts that report the latest technology developments to enable tomorrow’s missions. Probe and lander missions to planetary bodies with atmospheres involve aerodynamic deceleration using entry technologies; descent and landing technologies are used to dissipate the remaining kinetic energy and allow the spacecraft to reach the final target. Meanwhile, landing missions on planetary bodies without atmospheres requires propulsion and autonomous landing. This session is focused on the technologies of these EDL phases and discussions of system concepts, hardware, and field experiments aimed at maturing new capabilities for planetary exploration. Priority will be given to presentations of EDL technologies that enhance or enable in-situ measurements at Solar System targets, such as landers, probes, aerial platforms, aerocapture/aeroassist deceleration systems, and/or precision landing capabilities.
Innovation Concepts for Exploration
This session invites submission of abstracts that propose novel and highly innovative future mission concepts, scientific measurement instruments, technologies, and programmatic approaches for solar system exploration. This includes, but is not limited to, non-traditional entry, descent, and landing concepts and technologies, innovative in-situ exploration of solar system bodies including multi-sensor/multi-probe and swarm approaches, small spacecraft exploration missions and technologies, and innovative solutions for reducing mission risk and/or life cycle costs to enable a greater number of mission opportunities or facilitate synergies between missions. Preference will be given to innovative and visionary ideas that have the potential to significantly advance the state of the art in current exploration approaches, capabilities or technologies.